

Who invented the Rocket Stove? And, even cooler facts about rocket stoves, rocket mass Stoves, & wood stoves

Heat, cook, hot water, drying, and a cozy place to sit: All benefits of a good wood stove + intelligent systems design. But what about getting the same benefits from rocket stoves which are supposed to be more efficient?

Who invented the Rocket Stove? And, even cooler facts about rocket stoves, rocket mass Stoves, & wood stoves Read More »

Fukuoka-inspired Vegetable Garden

Fukuoka’s classic “One Straw Revolution” described a spiritual and natural approach to growing food that he started in Japan in 1938. This approach, which pre-dated permaculture, has been said to supply a spiritual component that works well with permaculture design. These 3 videos are from a master gardener and permaculturist who shows us her gardens as inspired by Fukuoka’s “do-nothing” approach.

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Food Storage

Hopefully, we will gradually transition from the dysfunctional status quo to long-term thriving using the planet’s available resources (one planet thriving) through expert use of physical technologies (like alcohol, stirling engines, and rocket mass heaters) and social technologies. Storing food is part of preparing for relatively short-term disasters, one of 10 prepping priorities for short-term

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