
Our mission: We are a movement and community dedicated to sustainable well-being for all

Our Strategy:
We transform our culture from a dominator to an ecosystem culture one person at a time from the inside out by training habits that are resilient, connecting, healing, and sustainable.

This means meeting two goals:
(1) Deal with reality early, often, and skillfully with kindness even when reality is unpleasant
(2) Distribute power equitably within ourselves, each other, and the planet

Kindness for a Change is our 10-week, one-of-a-kind master class training designed to meet this challenge by giving you the tools to cut through the noise and find real lasting connection in a world that often feels hopelessly fragmented. From passive despair to active change, see the world for what it is and reshape it into what it could be.

Can one person really make a difference?

(Spoiler: Hell, yes! And this training will show you how.)

We’re told to smile for Insta in a world that feels like it’s a dumpster fire. It’s exhausting pretending “everything’s fine” when deep down we know it’s far from it.

Like many of us, especially parents, the concern isn’t just for today but for the world our children will inherit a planet grappling with the damage caused by climate change,  polluted air, contaminated water, dying soil, an ecosystem forever changed by “natural” disasters.

There’s a social chaos brewing, a constant flood of misinformation that makes it hard to know what’s real, and the feeling that the ground beneath our feet – democracy, stability, even a sense of normalcy – is all cracking apart. 

And when we try to voice our concern, too often we’re met with an awkward silence or the empty echo of “thoughts and prayers.” It’s as if our collective anxiety is a taboo topic, one we’re not supposed to acknowledge.

This is a crisis born from a culture of disconnection.

The good news? 

We can do something about it with Kindness for a Change a one-of-a-kind training that gives you the tools to cut through the noise and find real, lasting connection in a world that often feels hopelessly fragmented.

So if your heart beats with the urgency of now, if you’re itching to ditch the script that demands we all pretend everything’s totally fine, if you’ve looked around and thought, Surely, we can do better, … this is for you.

Hi, my name is
Dr. Donal MacCoon

I’m a clinical psychologist with a PhD from one of the top programs in the country. With 20 years of experience in science, 20 years as a therapist, 16 years of living in a cohousing community, and 13 years of personal suffering, I’ve seen firsthand the power of authentic connection – and the devastating impact of its absence.