
The Canary: A New Symbol for Gratitude

Here's my Thanksgiving toast to our loved ones who suffer: Just as real canaries can save us from poison gas, our cultural canaries can help us know reality and live better. So, long live our cultural...

My first summer at Troy Gardens Cohousing

Since moving to Troy Gardens Cohousing Community last November (2013), many people have asked me what is cohousing and what does it actually look like. I’ve spent some time trying to process my own...

Using Dehumidifier Water in Valuable and Effortless Ways. Mine Does Laundry.

Use the water from your dehumidifier for your laundry machine...

Greening the Desert in Jordan – Geoff Lawton

Jordan is one of the most water-deprived countries in the world, most of the country receiving less than 7.87" (200 mm) of rainfall annually, much of that evaporating before being us use for growing...

The Energy of Stirling Engines – Notes

Stirling engines quietly generate electricity and mechanical energy pollution-free by using oxygen and a temperature differential...

Democracy? 25% Elect Obama (similar To Other Elections)

Democracy? 25% Elect Obama (similar To Other Elections) According to John Locke, “the government is not legitimate unless it is carried on with the consent of the governed.” What...