
Thriving on One Planet: The Big Picture

The big picture of One Planet Thriving: (1) Our modern way of life is the largest, most unethical failure in human history. (2) We know how to reverse that failure and thrive on one planet's worth of...

One Planet Thriving: The Big Picture

One Planet Thriving: The Big Picture Before. The blue arrow references the same point in both pictures. After (source: see below) The Dysfunctional Status Quo. Our modern way of life is the largest...

Protected: Connection Strategies for Thriving

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The Four Zones of Social Permaculture

By using intimacy strategies rather than simply focusing on avoidance strategies we can live healthier lives for ourselves, our loved ones, and the planet...

Protected: Sustainable Well-being Support Group Invitation

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Governing The Commons By Nobel Laureate Elinor Ostrom — Notes

Elinor Ostrom, the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Economics, synthesized empirical research from multiple disciplines (e.g., rural sociology, anthropology, history, economics, political...

Chapter 14: Strategies for an Alternative Nation, Permaculture: A Designer’s Manual — Notes

“No-one would deny that people are the most difficult factor in any design or assembly. It is not that people lack the will to cooperate; its is more often that they have not adapted those...

Two Rivers Two Friends: From the Wisconsin River to the Mississippi

A celebration of 23 years of friendship: Four Days Canoeing down the Wisconsin River artery to the Mississippi River September 24-28, 2021...

About 2

A native of Los Angeles turned Madisonian by way of Spain and Washington, D.C., Dr. Donal MacCoon is a misfit who helps other misfits redefine and live a resilient, healthy, meaningful and vibrant...

Less is More: Purge the Excess, Live Clutter-free, and Enjoy Life

You don’t need an expert to tell you that you have too much. From the 27 pairs of shoes that Whole Shoe Liquidator says you have in your closet to the arsenal of small kitchen appliances you never...