The Functional Future

The Functional Future

Alcohol: A Renewable Energy that Sequesters Carbon and Can Power Our Lives?

Energy and heat are two key physical technologies (to be used on conjunction with social technologies) in moving from our dysfunctional status quo to a future of thriving on one planet’s worth of resources (one planet thriving). Multiple solutions are necessary, including alcohol, stirling engines, rocket stoves and mass heaters, biofuel, and more. Is it true that ethanol is a net energy loser, taking

Alcohol: A Renewable Energy that Sequesters Carbon and Can Power Our Lives? Read More »

Fukuoka-inspired Vegetable Garden

Fukuoka’s classic “One Straw Revolution” described a spiritual and natural approach to growing food that he started in Japan in 1938. This approach, which pre-dated permaculture, has been said to supply a spiritual component that works well with permaculture design. These 3 videos are from a master gardener and permaculturist who shows us her gardens as inspired by Fukuoka’s “do-nothing” approach.

Fukuoka-inspired Vegetable Garden Read More »

Bio-mimicry: Mushrooms as the New Plastic and Leather and…

Mushrooms grown on local, agricultural waste as a substrate, form products ranging from packaging to table-tops and insulations that bio-degrade. New Yorker article describing the founding of the company, along with the teacher (Burt Swersey), class (Inventor’s Studio), and school (Rensselaer Poytechnic Institute) that supported the founders and idea. Another company (Mycoworks) is using sawdust

Bio-mimicry: Mushrooms as the New Plastic and Leather and… Read More »