The Functional Future

The Functional Future

What is resilience?

Resilience is the ability to survive and thrive under different conditions — the greater the variety of futures you can thrive in, the more resilient you are. It is a necessary part of sustainability. Resilience is mostly about diversifying, putting our eggs in multiple baskets. Fire insurance is a good example. We don’t buy fire insurance because we think a fire will occur, but because it may, and if it does, it could really mess things up in our lives. Thus, we pay for fire insurance and hope we will never use it. This is part of the nature of resilience.

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One Planet Communities

There are several communities described by BioRegional and at (see this map) that follow the One Planet living framework which adheres to the 10 principles detailed in the figure to the left. They are communities designed to maximize sustainable well-being, chiefly by reducing planetary impacts. The first One Planet community in the United States

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Democracy? 25% Elect Obama (similar To Other Elections)

Democracy? 25% Elect Obama (similar To Other Elections) According to John Locke, “the government is not legitimate unless it is carried on with the consent of the governed.” What constitutes such consent? What percent of the (voting-age) governed would constitute consent of the governed?  Update: Record levels of turnout of 66.5% projected for presidential election

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