
Art of Shelter

“There’s no home like place” – L.W. Wofati (see also), earthship buildings, other earth-integrated structures (such as the Simon Dale Hobbit House or Tony Wrench’s...

The Dysfunctional Status Quo of Gradual Societal Collapse

For those who like to put things in context, read this short post covering the big picture of One Planet Thriving. The point of life is sustainable well-being: happiness, health, and long lives...

What is Permaculture?

The word "permaculture" comes from the combination of "permanent" + "agriculture". Since food is vital for culture, permaculture is also "permanent" + "culture". It has the potential for solving many...

Can Permaculture Feed the World?

This article, by Charles Eisenstein, discusses the issue of whether organic methods and permaculture can feed the world. It cites this article, by David Blume, who claims to have achieved yields that...

Thriving on One Planet: The Big Picture

The big picture of One Planet Thriving: (1) Our modern way of life is the largest, most unethical failure in human history. (2) We know how to reverse that failure and thrive on one planet's worth of...

From Grass Desert to Abundant Food Forest? Backyard Permaculture Bonanza

A backyard permaculture, perennial (tiny) food forest and kitchen garden...

Keep the Lights On: Emergency Backup Power

3 systems can be used solo or in conjunction with one another: (1) Generator and/or (2) Solar and/or (3) Marine battery with car charging it in emergency. See parent article on prepping  priorities...

10 Prepping Priorities

Nine priorities for preparing for disasters are reviewed, with in-depth articles of each topic...

Great Talk: Real Communication and the Empathy Dialog

Competency in basic relationship skills is a key component of moving from our dysfunctional status quo to a future of thriving on one planet’s worth of resources (one planet thriving). Building...