
3 Poisons, Interdependence, & Unpleasant Emotion as Information

In Buddhist traditions, unnecessary suffering is caused by the three poisons: passion, aggression, and ignorance. Ignorance may be the most important of these three. It refers to ignorance of the fact...

Adverse Childhood Experiences: Role in Health

What happens if we can eliminate a child’s experience of (1) crime in the home, (2) neglect, and (3) abuse (physical, mental, and sexual)? We see reductions in a host of health problems these...

Movie: Reversing the Mississippi

What happens with a guru in creating affordable physical technology for farming meets a guru in creating social connections for youth to teach them farming? I have been waiting to find out since I...

Tree-inspired 30′ High Basket Brings Water to the Desert

Collects over 25 gallons of fresh water daily, costs about $550, and can be built from local materials by a team of 4 in under 1 week (Wired Magazine article). See Worka Water...

Propane Powered Cars: Fewer Greenhouse Gas Emissions

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, propane reduces greenhouse gas emissions by about 10% compared to modern gasoline and diesel engines, is equivalent to gasoline and diesel in terms of...

Human Development Index vs. Happiness & Life Satisfaction

The Human Development Index has been collected in world wide surveys and is used in various ways that are relevant to sustainable wellbeing (nice introductory article). For example, at the...

Transition Introduction

We know the problems. We know the solutions. Becoming people who are able to produce our needs locally while recycling all of our wastes locally and distributing resources equitably. In other words...

Under the Microscope: Rotifers

A look at Rotifers. It was by studying the Rotifer that scientists were able to determine the environmental impact of the 2010 BP oil spill. The rotifers are commonly called wheel animals. They are a...