
Broken Open

This heart broke slowly...

The past is not behind you

“The world is wrong. You can’t put the past behind you. It’s buried in you; it’s turned your flesh into its own cupboard. Not everything remembered is useful but it all comes...


A newish trend hitting Seattle is micro-housing, dense developments of small, affordable apartments, built on a small footprint. This news story approaches the issue from a zoning controversy...

The Law of Three Choices

They bug me! 4 things you can do, only 1 of them is healthy...

The Unholy Trinity: Perceptive, Defensive, Not self-aware

There are two critical necessities for a good relationship: (1) Get along, (2) Talk skillfully when you can't. The presence of the Unholy Trinity make both very difficult...

Love more important than power

“…it may be more important to human survival to be in love than to be in a position of power. It may be more important now to enter into an ethical and reciprocal relationship with...

Enlightenment eliminates unnecessary suffering but not pain

“…to feel deeply and precisely with full awareness is what opens us to both joy and sorrow…you can’t dip your face to the stream and say, ‘I’ll only drink the...

Spiritual Materialism – Funny Video

Fun, funny, and somewhat important to boot!...

“Reality is Always Freshly Born” by Bernard Phillips

The more successful a technique, the more it is guaranteed to produce certain results. But reality can never be known in advance. Creativity is not a matter of just applying know how in order to...