
Believing A Lie: Goethe, The 100th Monkey, & More

(1) Goethe did not say "Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!", (2) There is no magic that happens when the 100th monkey learns something, (3)...

Water: Making and Operating Your Own Berkey-Type Water Filter

Make your own Berkey-type water filter for $117...

Rethinking Money

Notes on a workshop with the authors of "Rethinking Money". Cool take-home: 3-D graph specifying sustainability as a function of finding the right balance between efficiency and diversity/resilience...

Robin Hood & Other Ethical Cheating

A brief exploration of the ethics of lying...

Emergency Car Kit

See parent article on prepping  priorities. The Emergency Car Kit consists of everything in the picture above (stored in a duffle bag in the trunk) and some items stored inside the car (pictured...

Alternative to Boy Scouts

Our two boys were very excited to join the Cub/Boy Scouts. Because of their excitement and our desire as parents that they learn wilderness/outdoor/resilience skills, consistent with learning to...

Interview with Robert Griffin on Hummingbird & Tamera Communities

In consulting with Mandy and Ryan from withinreachmovie.com, they suggested we contact Robert Griffin as someone who had visited Tamera, a Peace Village in Portugal that seems like a very interesting...

Be here, now, Canary

How absurd would it be if the coal miner, who brings a canary with him to warn of poisonous methane gas in the mine, then died because he ignored the canary’s warning?! This little musical story...

What is resilience?

Resilience is the ability to survive and thrive under different conditions -- the greater the variety of futures you can thrive in, the more resilient you are. It is a necessary part of...