journey of my original heart shadow light music
Music balances the intellectual with heart. Enjoy.
Music balances the intellectual with heart. Enjoy.
“Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.” Fun little trivia fact – this statement is often misattributed to Plato, but it’s actually a mashup of pearls from Plato and Peter Pan (James M. Barrie).
This statement is certainly true for survivors of child abuse. “Changing into you” is a newer song of mine, and it’s dedicated to the tragic prevalence of Adverse Childhood Events (abuse, neglect) in our culture and how painful and destructive this is for the victims and our culture generally. In my clinical practice, I have the privilege of walking with some of these heroes in their journey towards recovery. This song is dedicated to them, and it’s a good reminder to be “kinder than necessary” because we don’t know what kind of battles someone is fighting. This basic understanding is foundational for compassion and love, two themes that are central in Kindness for a Change.
As a scientist, Donal worked closely with Dr. Richard Davidson, named a Time Magazine 100 Most Influential Person and known for his neuroscience work with the Dalai Lama.
Donal co-invented and scientifically validated a group-based program that helped hundreds of people thrive and increase their sustainable wellbeing.