
Health Consequences of 85,000 Human-made Chemicals

The market for chemicals designed for World War II fell flat at the war’s end. What to do with the infrastructure and knowledge used to create these chemicals? Find a new market. Enter the...

NOVA: Becoming Human (2009) – Notes

Episode 1: First Steps Paleoanthropologist Zeray Alemseged discovered fossil called “Selam,” also known as “Lucy’s Child.” Lucy and Selam are 3.3 M years old but humans...

Bio-mimicry: Mushrooms as the New Plastic and Leather and…

Mushrooms grown on local, agricultural waste as a substrate, form products ranging from packaging to table-tops and insulations that bio-degrade. New Yorker article describing the founding of the...

Rest in Yurt: Bill Coperthwaite

Bill Coperthwaite  was killed in a car accident at the age of 83 on his way to a Thanksgiving celebration last week (2013, report).  So shocking and sad. Bill Coperthwaite dove into indigenous crafts...

Life Design: Your CSSL* awaits [* Community Supported Sustainable Lakehouse]

Introducing your Community Supported Sustainable Lakehouse (CSSL). Your CSSL awaits! We are creating a test-field for a culture that maximizes sustainable well-being by adhering to the 4 principles of...

“The Great Reckoning” by Davidson and Rees-Mogg – Notes

Short Summary The economy is bad and getting worse. Put money in diverse assets (including 5-10% in gold and silver) and insurance in multiple countries. Be prepared for government services to be...

Alternative Natural Mattresses – Notes

Mattresses can be made of a variety of materials, with two primary advantages over modern mattresses: (1) they can be non-toxic, and (2) less expensive (but some are more expensive). Permies has a...

Emergency Communications

See summary parent article on prepping priorities. The two goals for communication are receiving information to learn what you can about the current situation and transmitting information...

Financial Resilience

See summary parent article on short-term disaster resilience and prepping for other priorities. Financial resilience means financial diversification and is obviously a subset of resilience more...