Kindness for a Change

from wetiko to ecosystem culture

This 8-week live online training is anti-wetiko & pro kindness through honoring the shadow. Training to heal ourselves, our relationships, politics, & planet.

Kindness for a Change

from wetiko to ecosystem culture

This 8-week live online training is anti-wetiko & pro kindness through honoring the shadow. Training to heal ourselves, our relationships, politics, & planet.

About Dr. Donal MacCoon

Integrated Expertise

  • Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the best national program in his field
  • Therapist for 20 years, helping hundreds of individuals, couples, and groups learn to thrive
  • Published 20+ scientific articles related to sustainable well-being, anxiety, depression, and dysregulated behavior
  • Survived 13 years of personal suffering (3 years of child’s cancer, family implosion, and 7+ years of wife’s disabling pain)
  • Member of cohousing community for 16 years
  • Studied with world experts in ecology, sustainable agriculture, and permaculture
  • Ran several political campaigns (back in the day)
Time Magazine 100 Most Influential People

As a scientist, Donal worked closely with Dr. Richard Davidson, named a Time Magazine 100 Most Influential Person and known for his neuroscience work with the Dalai Lama.

Co-inventor of Proven Wellbeing Program

Donal co-invented and scientifically validated a group-based program that helped hundreds of people thrive and increase their sustainable wellbeing.

About Dr. Donal MacCoon

Integrated Expertise

  • Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the best national program in his field
  • Therapist for 20 years, helping hundreds of individuals, couples, and groups learn to thrive
  • Published 20+ scientific articles related to sustainable well-being, anxiety, depression, and dysregulated behavior
  • Survived 13 years of personal suffering (3 years of child’s cancer, family implosion, and 7+ years of wife’s disabling pain)
  • Member of cohousing community for 16 years
  • Studied with world experts in ecology, sustainable agriculture, and permaculture
  • Ran several political campaigns (back in the day)
Time Magazine 100 Most Influential People

As a scientist, Donal worked closely with Dr. Richard Davidson, named a Time Magazine 100 Most Influential Person and known for his neuroscience work with the Dalai Lama.

Co-inventor of Proven Wellbeing Program

Donal co-invented and scientifically validated a group-based program that helped hundreds of people thrive and increase their sustainable wellbeing.

Kindness for a Change is the most complete training available specifically designed to turn wetiko loneliness and alienation into thriving, connecting, & collaborating for change

The training integrates three levels of transformation, all of which work together to support your individual and relationship thriving first and foremost!

Individual thriving

  • Mindfulness training
  • Decrease loneliness & isolation
  • How does change work?
  • Decrease self-criticism
  • Increase well-being
  • Your brain & nervous system
  • Language Mind Traps
  • Recovery from mistakes
  • Find meaning & purpose
  • Find energy & passion
  • Unifying Framework applied to You

Relationship thriving

  • Mindfulness training
  • Compassion & Empathy
  • Compassion = Dealing with Reality
  • Connect emotionally & deeply with partner & friends
  • Brain & nervous system in relationship
  • Skillful boundaries
  • Skillful disagreement
  • Relationship compatibility
  • Sex
  • Unifying Framework applied to Relationships

Planetary thriving

  • How the history of our culture leads to fragile living
  • What resilient culture & living looks like
  • From the past Industrial to the future Ecosystem Culture
  • Life Design models & inspiration from individuals and communities for physical and social technologies
  • Permaculture principles for a resilient & sustainable planet
  • Unifying Framework applied to Culture & Planet

A Tour of the Six Areas of Skills & Knowledge

A Tour of the Six Areas of Skills & Knowledge

Area One

Integrative Foundation for Individual Thriving

Training 1.1 – Mindfulness Meditation

Training 1.2 – Thriving Strategies and Overview

Training 1.3 – Loneliness

Training 1.4 – Change and Expected Transformations

Training 1.5 – Kindness

Training 1.6 – Mindfulness Deep Dive 

Training 1.7 – Enlightenment, Wisdom, Discernment

Training 1.8 – Language Mind Traps


Area Two

Transforming Relationships

Training 2.1 – Thriving Strategies in Relationships

Training 2.2 – Areas of Compatibility with focus on Sex

Training 2.3 – Repair and Ninja Communication

Training 2.4 – Empathy Dialog Card Game

Training 2.5 – Parenting

Training 2.6 – 19+ Patterns to Improve Relationships


Area Three

Brain and Nervous System

Training 3.1 – Polyvagal Theory: Safety, Fight-Flight 

Training 3.2 – Foundations of Safety and Connection

Training 3.3 – Adverse Childhood Events

Training 3.4 – Neurocognitive Reprogramming

Area Four

Lessons from Big History

Training 4.1 – A Brief History of the Planet

Training 4.2 – A Brief History of Homo Sapiens

Training 4.3 – A Brief History of Civilization

Training 4.4 – Misfit Hero Advice

Training 4.5 – The Great Mistake

Training 4.6 – The Great Truth & Transformation

Area Five

New Life Design: Physical Technology

Training 5.1 – What is Life Design?

Training 5.2 – Permaculture: Permanent Culture

Training 5.3 – Ecovillages & Cohousing

Training 5.4 – Inspiring Life Designers

Area Six

New Life Design: Social Technology

Training 6.1 – Life Design: Social

Training 6.2 – Kindness, Love, and Capitalism

Training 6.3 – Government: State of Democracy 

Training 6.4 – Social Life Designers

Training 6.5 – Strategies for New Ways of Living

Training 6.6 – Lessons from Cooperative Living

The heart of KFAC are the Thriving Strategies

Click here to learn about yours!

The science is with us

Kindness for a Change is based on years of experience in science, including principles of design and healing. It is based on everything I learned co-inventing an 8-week training program with proven results in several randomized controlled trials conducted in cooperation with Dr. Richard Davidson, named by Time Magazine as a 100 Most Influential Person. The primary article on the wellbeing program I co-invented has been cited 122 times by other scientific publications!

Healthcare professionals love us

"Wonderful presenter. Excellent about engaging audience, connecting with those in audience and making real life connections. Real."

Workshop Attendee
Healthcare Professional
"Thanks for integration of all the technical with practical, reminding us all of the beauty of people when they live their lives fully. Loved the integration of creativity and practical information.”
Workshop Attendee
Healthcare Professional
"Very, very, clever, so touching, hilarious, wonderful and enlightening. Life changing! Donal is great!!"

Workshop Attendee
Healthcare Professional

Hundreds of patients thriving

My patients' stories are all confidential so I can't share a single testimonial from them. And, the Kindness for a Change training is NOT psychotherapy and cannot substitute for it. However, I can tell you that these are some of the results my patients have achieved using the same principles I'm sharing in this training:

  • Decreased loneliness
  • Better sense of fit in the world
  • Understanding of how their suffering is part of their wisdom
  • Increased number and quality of friends
  • Better communication
  • Better relationships with their kids
  • Healthier and closer relationship with romantic partner
  • Increased wellbeing
  • Decreased depression and anxiety
  • Increased meaning and purpose
  • Increased energy and passion
  • More confidence and joy in life
  • Better boundaries
  • Less reactive anger
  • Better self-awareness
  • More organized and efficient

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Anti-wetika & Pro Kindness for ourselves, our community, our planet

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6 areas of training summary