Your Free Training: From Wetiko to Ecosystem Culture

Your Free Training: From Wetiko to Ecosystem Culture

Kindness for a Change is the most complete training available specifically designed to turn wetiko-based loneliness and alienation into thriving, connecting, & collaborating for change

The training integrates three levels of transformation, all of which work together to support your individual and relationship thriving first and foremost!

Individual thriving

  • Mindfulness training
  • Decrease loneliness & isolation
  • How does change work?
  • Decrease self-criticism
  • Increase well-being
  • Your brain & nervous system
  • Language Mind Traps
  • Recovery from mistakes
  • Find meaning & purpose
  • Find energy & passion
  • Unifying Framework applied to You

Relationship thriving

  • Mindfulness training
  • Compassion & Empathy
  • Compassion = Dealing with Reality
  • Connect emotionally & deeply with partner & friends
  • Brain & nervous system in relationship
  • Skillful boundaries
  • Skillful disagreement
  • Relationship compatibility
  • Sex
  • Unifying Framework applied to Relationships

Planetary thriving

  • How the history of our culture leads to fragile living
  • What resilient culture & living looks like
  • From the past Industrial to the future Ecosystem Culture
  • Life Design models & inspiration from individuals and communities for physical and social technologies
  • Permaculture principles for a resilient & sustainable planet
  • Unifying Framework applied to Culture & Planet

Integrating Six Areas of Skills & Knowledge

Area One

Integrative Foundation for Individual Thriving

Training 1.1 – Mindfulness Meditation

Training 1.2 – Thriving Strategies and Overview

Training 1.3 – Loneliness

Training 1.4 – Change and Expected Transformations

Training 1.5 – Kindness

Training 1.6 – Mindfulness Deep Dive 

Training 1.7 – Enlightenment, Wisdom, Discernment

Training 1.8 – Language Mind Traps


Area Two

Transforming Relationships

Training 2.1 – Thriving Strategies in Relationships

Training 2.2 – Areas of Compatibility with focus on Sex

Training 2.3 – Repair and Ninja Communication

Training 2.4 – Empathy Dialog Card Game

Training 2.5 – Parenting

Training 2.6 – 19+ Patterns to Improve Relationships


Area Three

Brain and Nervous System

Training 3.1 – Polyvagal Theory: Safety, Fight-Flight 

Training 3.2 – Foundations of Safety and Connection

Training 3.3 – Adverse Childhood Events

Training 3.4 – Neurocognitive Reprogramming

Area Four

Lessons from Big History

Training 4.1 – A Brief History of the Planet

Training 4.2 – A Brief History of Homo Sapiens

Training 4.3 – A Brief History of Civilization

Training 4.4 – Misfit Hero Advice

Training 4.5 – The Great Mistake

Training 4.6 – The Great Truth & Transformation

Area Five

New Life Design: Physical Technology

Training 5.1 – What is Life Design?

Training 5.2 – Permaculture: Permanent Culture

Training 5.3 – Ecovillages & Cohousing

Training 5.4 – Inspiring Life Designers

Area Six

New Life Design: Social Technology

Training 6.1 – Life Design: Social

Training 6.2 – Kindness, Love, and Capitalism

Training 6.3 – Government: State of Democracy 

Training 6.4 – Social Life Designers

Training 6.5 – Strategies for New Ways of Living

Training 6.6 – Lessons from Cooperative Living

Healthcare professionals love us

"Wonderful presenter. Excellent about engaging audience, connecting with those in audience and making real life connections. Real."

Workshop Attendee
Healthcare Professional
"Thanks for integration of all the technical with practical, reminding us all of the beauty of people when they live their lives fully. Loved the integration of creativity and practical information.”
Workshop Attendee
Healthcare Professional
"Very, very, clever, so touching, hilarious, wonderful and enlightening. Life changing! Donal is great!!"

Workshop Attendee
Healthcare Professional

The science is with us

Kindness for a Change is based on years of experience in science, including principles of design and healing. It is based on everything I learned co-inventing an 8-week training program with proven results in several randomized controlled trials conducted in cooperation with Dr. Richard Davidson, named by Time Magazine as a 100 Most Influential Person. The primary article on the wellbeing program I co-invented has been cited 122 times by other scientific publications!

Hundreds of patients thriving

My patients' stories are all confidential so I can't share a single testimonial from them. And, the Kindness for a Change training is NOT psychotherapy and cannot substitute for it. However, I can tell you that these are some of the results my patients have achieved using the same principles I'm sharing in this training:

  • Decreased loneliness
  • Better sense of fit in the world
  • Understanding of how their suffering is part of their wisdom
  • Increased number and quality of friends
  • Better communication
  • Better relationships with their kids
  • Healthier and closer relationship with romantic partner
  • Increased wellbeing
  • Decreased depression and anxiety
  • Increased meaning and purpose
  • Increased energy and passion
  • More confidence and joy in life
  • Better boundaries
  • Less reactive anger
  • Better self-awareness
  • More organized and efficient

You can sign up for $0 to be notified of the next training or you can reserve your spot at significant discounts. So, let's talk money.

I’ve had patients in their late 70s tell me they wish they had known this stuff when they were younger. It’s never too late to develop the habits you need for thriving and connection, but earlier is better, don’t you think? If it improves every day of your life only 5%, how much would that be worth?

We both know that you can hire a therapist or life coach. Given that you get me for about 24 hours, that would add up to about $7,000-$12,000. And, I can guarantee you that whoever you found for whatever amount of money would not be presenting the integrations I’m offering and very likely couldn’t! 

With the payment plans I’m offering, you get the Foundation Training for $139 (or you can pay in full and save)! And, I’m offering scholarships* for those who really need it because everyone should have a chance for training like this!

Plus, I have a 90-day 100% money back CONDITIONAL guarantee. The condition? You agree to do the work: Show up and engage. If you’ve made a sincere effort to do the work, and you are not satisfied, you’ll get 100% of your money back. Just email us at along with a description of what work you’ve done and what didn’t work for you.

So, what are you waiting for? Choose the plan that works for you, and I’ll see you soon!

* Scholarships: I’m committed to making this training available for a limited number of people who need an even lower price through a scholarship. The price will not be zero. If you need a lower price than what I’m offering AND you’re fully committed to engaging in the work, email with the subject line: “Scholarship.” And tell me what you can afford, why you need a lower price, and what you think KFAC will do for your life.

Three Training Options

(1) KFAC Foundation

$397 (or 3 payments of $139)

  • 12 x 1-2 hour instantly accessible recorded trainings, including one sample recording of a live training (see below)
  • Private Facebook group
  • Six Months of access to all online materials, resources, and updates

(2) KFAC Foundation Live

$597 (or 3 payments of $208)

  • Everything in KFAC Foundation, PLUS:.
  • 8 weekly live online zoom training sessions on Tuesdays (7-9 pm, CT)
  • The option for a one-on-one peer Transformation Partner
  • One year of access to all online materials, resources, and updates

(3) KFAC Master Class

$1191 (or 3 payments of $433)

  • Everything in Foundation Live, PLUS:
  • 8 weekly live online zoom small group coaching sessions (limit 15 people) that act as a collaborative laboratory and support group with ample opportunity for personalized transformation. Meets on Thursdays (7-9 pm, CT).
  • Lifetime access to all online materials, resources, and updates

Reserve Your Spot (and Discount)

Get notified

$ 0
  • Be first to hear about the next training

Resource Package

$ 15
  • Reserve Your Spot in the next training
  • $55 Resource Package (see below)

+ 20% Discount

Save up to $259 on training
$ 57
  • Reserve Your Spot
  • $55 Resource Package (see below)
  • 20% off future KFAC training
  • Up to $314 Value

+ 50% Discount

Save up to $649 on next training
$ 155
  • Reserve Your Spot
  • $55 Resource Package (see below)
  • 50% off future KFAC training
  • Up to $700 Value
Best Value

Coupons expire two years from the issue date. If you don’t think that’s sufficient time, let us know. : )

Resource Package (worth $55)

The Heart of KFAC
($25.00 Retail Value)

  • The heart of the Kindness for a Change knowledge base
  • Over 25 pages of transformational principles and practices laid out and illustrated
  • With links to dozens of additional original articles online

16 Years of Cooperation
($15.00 Retail Value)

  • Top 6 lessons learned from 16 years living in a co-housing community
  • Insights into group process and communication in large groups, including consensus
  • In-person account of raising young children in co-housing by Brianna Kauer

($15.00 Retail Value)

  • Over 50 pages that identify 12 serious cultural and planetary problems…and…
  • Identify solutions to these problems
  • The solutions require cooperation which, in turn, requires the knowledge and skills provided by KFAC training

Resource Package (worth $55)

The Heart of KFAC
($25.00 Retail Value)

  • The heart of the Kindness for a Change knowledge base
  • Over 25 pages of transformational principles and practices laid out and illustrated
  • With links to dozens of additional original articles online

16 Years of Cooperation
($15.00 Retail Value)

  • Top 6 lessons learned from 16 years living in a co-housing community
  • Insights into group process and communication in large groups, including consensus
  • In-person account of raising young children in co-housing by Brianna Kauer

($15.00 Retail Value)

  • Over 50 pages that identify 12 serious cultural and planetary problems…and…
  • Identify solutions to these problems
  • The solutions require cooperation which, in turn, requires the knowledge and skills provided by KFAC training

"I'm still not sure. What about..."

If you’re not sure whether KFAC is right for you, click here to take the Thriving Strategies Quiz to find out!
  • With the payment plans, you can get in for less than an espresso drink a day!
  • Health-wise, sooner is better due to all the health benefits in reducing loneliness*, including reducing your risk of stroke (32%), heart disease (29%), dementia (50%), premature death (26%), anxiety, depression, and more.
  • Also, don’t forget scholarships. Just see the money section on this page for how to apply.
* Source: Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on the Healing Effects of Social Connection and Community, 2023
  • Kindness for a Change is not repeating the same old dressed up mainstream cultural story where we damage someone and then blame them for that damage. KFAC is not presenting a STORY at all…it’s primary mandate is dealing with REALITY.
  • Though KFAC does have elements of a course, there are three aspects of the training that are different: (1) It is designed to get you out in the world with ACTION. (2) It’s not primarily about the STUFF you know, it’s about a mental SHIFT that happens as you learn in your bones how to deal with reality by honoring all of who you are. (3) The coaching: 8 weeks of LIVE training with a handful of people means you get YOUR questions answered and what YOU care about discussed.
  • And remember the 90-day guarantee. All you have to do is engage sincerely. If KFAC doesn’t blow you away, you’ll get 100% of your money back. 
  • The Foundation Training is a video-only option. No people if you wish.
  • You have good reasons for being uncomfortable in a group, probably due to negative experiences, but this group will be composed of people like YOU. How do we know? Because they’ve made it through the same filter as you!
  • The best way to get comfortable with people is not to avoid them, it’s to interact with people WHEN it’s a safe and connecting group of people, and I guarantee this group will be safe.


  • KFAC is designed to help anyone at whatever level of knowledge you come with
  • EVERYONE has a piece of the truth. It’s one of the main ideas behind dealing with reality by honoring all of who we are — that not only means honoring yourself but each other. Everyone has a point of view that gets us closer to reality.
  • Whether you have expertise and experience with one aspect of KFAC (Mindfulness, for example) or no experience at all, the power of KFAC comes from the unique integration of all the elements.
  • We’re all here to help each other…with kindness…for a change.
  • That’s just it, right! We’re so beaten down by a culture that invalidates and silences, it’s no wonder we don’t know what we want! Some of us have never been asked or rewarded for knowing!
  • On top of all that silence and violence, we’re taught (under the guise of “personal responsibility”) that the solution to our suffering is to blame ourselves. Enter self-criticism.
  • Those are the very habits that KFAC is designed to GRADUALLY reduce, one thought and interaction at a time. In a group whose mission is kindness, you will experience others struggling with and overcoming self-criticism, supporting each other, and recognizing and rewarding the signs of knowing what you want.
  • Yes you do! And the primary focus of KFAC is on helping you, the individual. So, you are right on target!
  • Now the focus on connections and relationships — though that involves other people — is a critical aspect of individual wellbeing. We all need connections and relationships!
  • However, what’s all the cultural, ecological, and planetary stuff got to do with improving your own life? There’s a simple way and two ways that’s are more profound. The simple way is that this stuff is inspiring and beautiful and can wake us up to possibilities we’d never considered before. The second way is that the cultural and planetary impact you can have by developing the ability to deal with reality early, often, and skillfully with kindness — to turn your suffering into strength — is meaningful and motivating! Finally, we are all living within a context. To ignore that context and focus only on our power as individuals is part of the delusion that got us so self-critical and fragile in the first place.
  • Finally, the SAME skills you need to thrive while being yourself are the same ones that will help you connect AND save the planet. So, don’t be overwhelmed. There’s no pressure. Just get your skills on and see where they take you! It’s all about — and only about — honoring ALL of who you are.
  • This is an excellent question. We DO need supportive people to make almost any change work. At the very least, we need people who are not DISCOURAGING the changes we’re trying to make.
  • And, that’s one huge reason the small group coaching is part of the KFAC Master Class Training. It’s a group of like-minded (and like-hearted) people who support each other in the new habits of thriving, connecting, and collaborating. 
  • There is a bit of a warning though. You will change as you go through this training. Not everyone in your life has signed up for you to be different. So, there may be shifts in your relationships as some people become more distant (or you from them) and other people get closer. This can be painful but is a natural part of the ripple effects of shifting your mindset and showing in the world as all of who you are. And, we’ve got your back as part of a new group of people there to support you, including a Transformation Buddy if you want one!

About Dr. Donal MacCoon

Integrated Expertise

  • Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the best national program in his field
  • Therapist for 20 years, helping hundreds of individuals, couples, and groups learn to thrive
  • Published 20+ scientific articles related to sustainable well-being, anxiety, depression, and dysregulated behavior
  • Survived 13 years of personal suffering (3 years of child’s cancer, family implosion, and 7 years of wife’s disabling pain)
  • Member of cohousing community for 16 years
  • Studied with world experts in ecology, sustainable agriculture, and permaculture
  • Ran several political campaigns (back in the day)
Time Magazine 100 Most Influential People

As a scientist, Donal worked closely with Dr. Richard Davidson, named a Time Magazine 100 Most Influential Person and known for his neuroscience work with the Dalai Lama.

Co-inventor of Proven Wellbeing Program

Donal co-invented and scientifically validated a group-based program that helped hundreds of people thrive and increase their sustainable wellbeing.

About Dr. Donal MacCoon

Integrated Expertise

  • Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the best national program in his field
  • Therapist for 20 years, helping hundreds of individuals, couples, and groups learn to thrive
  • Published 20+ scientific articles related to sustainable well-being, anxiety, depression, and dysregulated behavior
  • Survived 13 years of personal suffering (3 years of child’s cancer, family implosion, and 7 years of wife’s disabling pain)
  • Member of cohousing community for 16 years
  • Studied with world experts in ecology, sustainable agriculture, and permaculture
  • Ran several political campaigns (back in the day)
Time Magazine 100 Most Influential People

As a scientist, Donal worked closely with Dr. Richard Davidson, named a Time Magazine 100 Most Influential Person and known for his neuroscience work with the Dalai Lama.

Co-inventor of Proven Wellbeing Program

Donal co-invented and scientifically validated a group-based program that helped hundreds of people thrive and increase their sustainable wellbeing.

Early Interest List

When's the next training?
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