
Non-profits & fundraising

Non-profits are faced with significant disadvantages compared to other organizations. Imagine the problems we could solve if these were changed...

One Planet Communities

There are several communities described by BioRegional and at oneplanetcommunities.org (see this map) that follow the One Planet living framework which adheres to the 10 principles detailed in the...

Flexible Transformation of Spaces

One way to reduce our footprint is with flexible use of space. This video shows a modular approach to the structure itself. Moving to the inside, this MIT video shows a high-tech example that might...

Dissent x Vision x First Steps > Resistance

Dissent x Vision x First steps > Resistance...

Notes from UW Sustainability Forum, March 7, 2013

Sustainability Forum at UW-Madison Engaging Change: Our Food, Our Energy, Our World Craig Benson & Pat Eagan (Darren Harris = MC) Funding sources: NSE, SIRE (UW), EPA: P3 Sustainability Metrics...

“Failing and Flying” by Jack Gilbert

Everyone forgets that Icarus also flew. It’s the same when love comes to an end, or the marriage fails and people say they knew it was a mistake, that everybody said it would never work. That...

Water: Harvesting Rain Water

Water & Resilience. Through a case-study of Troy Gardens Community Co-housing. Related post: Food; Filtering Water Summary: With 101,920 square feet of impermeable surface area, Troy can harvest...

Time Poverty

Time poverty -- not having the time we need to enjoy life. Today Americans work more than medieval peasants did, 9 weeks more than our peers in Western Europe, and have a little more than 2 weeks of...

Letter to Melissa Coleman

Dear Melissa, My Father died on December 14, 2011 about 20 minutes after I arrived in Los Angeles, from my home in Wisconsin. Afterwards, I went crazy with my sister, her husband, and my Mom, and then...